Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Rehearsal: Jade and Jordan (Three scenes)

Jade and Jordan 1
Naomi arrived and she and Mel worked on the cave scene between Jade and Jordan when Jade brings a box to the cave. Although they barely know each other, there is already a sense of connection between them. They are both disadvantaged in some way and share a feeling of confusion as to who they, who they want to be; their identity. CAVE – symbolism. A place of meeting, a place where emotions and glimpses into characters and conversation occurs, where power dynamics shift e.g. Jade over Jordan then Jordan over Jade, Ishtar over Jade... A “sacred place”; untouched, a place of shelter and support, connection to the past, the history and beauty of the cave...
What was really strong in this scene between the two was the actors’ body language. Mel started off standing over Naomi, who reclined in the cave, unwilling to talk or interact. Then when Jordan asked her a question, Jade moved forwards and sat down. It was lovely when, almost subconsciously, Mel mirrored Naomi’s sitting position.
Jade and Jordan 2
Leticia and the actors rehearsed the scene when Jade and Jordan run back to the cave in the night. They are excited, talking and laughing and falling on each other. Jade talks about the cave paintings – an insight into how much she loves the place; the history, the sacredness of the cave, as Jordan watches her. The scene is tender, intimate and the line “I feel like I knew ya before”, captures Jade’s longing to be connected to someone and to find out who she is. As Mel observed, there are warped and confused feelings in Jade’s head and she grapples to make sense of these feelings whilst also trying to escape them.
Jade and Jordan 3
Naomi opened the boxes up to reveal the paint as Jade runs in and confronts her. I think that, as the audience, you are just willing Jade to forgive Jordan, for her to try and realise that Jordan was just trying to help her and to say sorry. Instead, the audience sees two worlds colliding and outbursts of anger and rage. Mel and Naomi really created a contrast to the previous tender scene between the two in this rehearsal.

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