Wednesday 20 July 2011

Rehearsal: Jade and Ishtar

“Why are you doing this to us?”
Power struggle... This time it is between Ishtar and Jade. Ishtar confronts Jade, yelling angrily at her, demanding she admit that it was she who threw the pig’s head through the window. It is here that the racism that seeps through the events in the play is again revealed – “Why are you doing this to us?” Ishtar wants answers and Jade refuses to take responsibility. As Mel said, she is known for telling lies and wriggling her way out of situations, but in this case, she didn’t do it. Jade is an interesting character and Mel brilliantly conveys the complex nature of her psyche and who she is. She has been broken by past events in her life and she sees people who are broken and suffering around her. Yet, as in this scene, she cannot seem to convey her feelings, it seems that no one understands her.
Jacinta combined the angry and hurt, yelling Ishtar with a powerful degree of sadness and bitterness. Her voice quavered, her hands shook, desperate to make Jade see the damage that has been done. Mel seemed to be backed into a corner, with Ishtar in a position of power at this point, which is rare for Ishtar’s character.

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